thanks!What is the best acne body wash to use?
Proactive works all over your body, no matter where. But it is a bit more expensive than something you could buy in the grocery store.What is the best acne body wash to use?
Proactiv works well, but you have to use it consistently for a few weeks before seeing results.
';Overnight'; good ones are any that have the little beady things that kind of scratch your skin. Always makes me feel really tingly and clean.
My daughter has tried several products and found Nuetragena acne soap. It is mild and rinses clean and seems to diminish most acne. She also uses an astringent after she showers and uses the soap (to clear away any soap residue - which can also cause more problems). Follow this with a good moisturizer, you may be thinking that you don't need a lotion, but you have to replace the moisture or your body will try to compensate with even more oil production in the area. Find a three step, wash, astringent, and moisturizer for best results.
phisoderm body wash.
I use ';Aveeno'; no scent or color, real good for hair too.
i loveeee neutrogena acne body wash
Clearacil and Noxima.
People suffering from mild or moderate body acne, I heartily recommend the Clear Pores System. Hard to treat cases are better left to a dermatologist鈥檚 skills, although ClearPores is certainly up to the task.
The best way to treat acne is to cleanse the skin with a solution containing Salicylic Acid and SD Alcohol 40. The ClearPores body and face washes contain these two excellent ingredients, which are accompanied by the well-known Aloe Vera (to soothe the skin and help the healing process), Dandelion Root and Yellow Dock.
See its official site:鈥?/a>
Also...keep your body skin clean every day and be careful not to trigger acne or rashes by wearing very tight clothing or heavy backpacks. If you feel your clothing, backpack or purse is causing you skin problems, then start thinking about alternatives.
Try Tea Tree Oil, Its very good and its natural.
You Could buy this- Tisserand Organic Tea-Tree %26amp; Grapefruit Skin Wash.
It works magically my doctor told me about it.
Hope it works. Also bar soap Neutrogena.
Neutrogena Body Scrub! It works great!
Clean and Clear always clears my face up quikly...
the kinds with beads in them work good i find.
Simple (Brand)
If you use a Simple moistoriser (sorry about the spelling!)
and wash your face/body every night it helps and can be shown with a difference in hours.
body wash i dont know for the face noxzima is real good
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