I think the theory is the body wash will clog your pores..I have never had a problem with it.
I get a chuckle over these beauty creams. I have never ever followed a regime. I use an all in one soap %26amp; moisturizer. It cleans and moisturizes all at once and that is all I use.
When I was a young whippersnapper, I tried out all sorts of potions...but so no advantage to doing so, so I stoppped, and for yeasrs and years and years I have used an all in one.
I have been told I look younger than my true age.which is almost 50. Two recent pics are found of me on my 360 blog.
If the beauty cream adds are to be believed, since I use almost nothing, I should look older than my years.
Another thing which has given me quite a chuckle: If beauty creams work, why doesn't everyone look young and vibrant?
Hmmm..that might make a good Yahoo question.Is it bad to use body wash on your face?
I once tried using body wash on my face and the result was a whole bunch of spots. Normally i have pretty much perfect skin, but its extremely sensitive. So it'd probably be fine unless you have sensitive skin. Report Abuse
it's weird..for me,when i use body soap for my face,that's when i have the least breakouts.but i hear that you should use a face wash or find a special soap for your face.I suggest that cocoa-butter face soap.I hear it works really well.. Report Abuse
that depends on the kind of skin you have. I can't use the same thing for all - tried and it didn't work for me. this would have been so much cheaper...;(
i agree with you totally but having said that i do use a separate moisturiser for my face.
dear friend,
The skin on our face is different than ohter parts of body
face skin is very very delicate and sensitive.
hence we have to use face wash and body wash seperately.
if interested in knowing detail. mail me
hve gr8 day
Don't see why not, I use my body wash to wash my face while I am in the shower. Who has the time in the morning to use a seperate product for the face?
I'm sure it's fine!
Well, I think its awesome that your dad is 65 and looks 45! Is he single, does he date? ...just joking...sure! use body wash for shampoo if you like the results. I have an expensive one here that makes my hair SHINE! It all depends on what you want and how it works on you. (Bar soap call dull your hair, though). Try it and see. Vaseline for moisturizer? Eww, I think that's extreme, but if it works for him, then he has found the treasure! Have fun experimenting!
a facial wash is different from a body wash,
since the skin in our face is more sensitive than the skin in our body, however, there are some people who's skin are not so sensitive that they can tolerate body wash without allergic reactions...
so if you've been using body wash in your face
and you see no negative effects, just continue it.
cant imagine why
maybe you're right but I would never use a body wash on my face. but if you feel okay doing that I won't tell you otherwise :)
Soap will dry out your skin its harsh on your face. If you have good skin just use water in the morning. Your skin has natural oils with in it. If you clean your face at night just some water is good pat dry (never rub your skin ) and a light moisturizer, Oil of Ola is wonderful day or night, Vaseline will clog your pores you can use around eyes where crows feet tend to form
as far as at night to clean in shower use very little soap more water better wash under running water then moisturize..........Remember good skin runs in your family you need to take care of your so it will stay looking good when your 65 (baby oil is good for mascara and I think helps condition them, put a little on and remove with warm wash cloth)..Your right its all about $$$$ false promises at the cost of your pay check the 2 inexpensive things I use and have seen a really huge difference is Oil of Olay and Roc and they are not inexpensive and do just as good if not better I'm 45 and my skin looks very good most think I'm in my 30s (which both ages may seem OLD to you) one last thing a mans skin is different than ours please stay away from the vaseline............and stay out of the sun
it is not bad for your face but not especially good either.
I think yes...
Body wash are use for the body just simply use facial wash...
These products have been tried and tested for the uses they are advertised for. But soap is soap, and a lot of what you are paying for is marketing. So if you want to try to use a product for something else, you should definitely go ahead and do it. I used to use a bar of soap all over, but with my acne I had to switch to a different one for my face.
By the way, shampoo and body wash can probably also be used to clean your shower stall while you are still in it, when it is easier to get clean.
i don,t think so
Body washes have more oils and moisturizers than face washes. Use something different on your face than you body...men are different than women and we don't need the extra oils.
I think it's safe.
oh my god girl!stop using body washes on your face.They are so bad for your skin,they complete dry it out,and even though your friend may use it.Everyone has complete different skin types,what works for her may not be right for you.
well i do agree with some of what you said about being bombarded with too much crap..the fact of the matter is, since you are african american, Im taking a wild guess, you have the good fortune of having somewhat thicker and stronger layers to your skin..this is why you guys age so well and dont have wrinkles..why ur dad looks younger...so you may not need all the fancy smancy that we white chicks do.
The skin on your face is more sensitive than the skin on you body, so often bodywashes are too purfumed or abbrasive for your face. Just plain soap, is great for all(I like imperial leather, or pears, because they smell yummy too). My grandma is the same as your dad. So all these ';miricle'; products are generally a load of ****.
I have to agree with your dad. Simple soap and an after body moisturerizer is what I've always used. I've never had a problem with any type of acne or anything. I am almost 40 and am told daily I look about 23. Hope you find what works best for you. By the way, I'm an IVORY baby.
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